7.1.9 - Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
If one is to become a good citizen of the country, one must always anchor to values like truth, respect for elders, unity, peace etc. Also one must be aware of what are the duties and responsibilities of a citizen and rights of a citizen.
Keeping this in view Savitribai Phule Pune University has recently introduced a course "Introduction to constitution" in the third semester syllabus of MBA. This helps in providing the needed inputs. Also the University has included 1 credit course on Human rights each in the first and second semester.
Apart from these compulsory inputs, institute takes up activities from time to time that help create sensitization. Following activities were conducted during 2023-24:
  1. Introduction to constitution is a new course added by theUniversity
  2. Human Rights as a 1 credit compulsory course for Semester I and II
  3. National Voters Day was celebrated on 25 Jan' 2024
  4. A programme on"MERI MATI, MERA DESH" AND "SWACHHATA HI SEVA" was celebrated on 12 Oct'2023
  5. Celebration of "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION: COMMIT TO THE NATION" on 1 Nov' 2023
  6. Constitution Day was celebrated on 26th November 2023
  7. A session on Universal Human Values in the Inductionprogramme by Dr. Minu Mehta,Professor and Head Academics, IESMCRC, Mumbai ON 14 Sept' 2023
  8. International Human Rights Day was celebrated on 10th December2023
  9. Celebration of National Voters Day was held on 25th January20239
  10. Sessions were organized on topics like understanding the antiragging act, gender sensitivity, plagiarism etc were organized tomake students aware about menace of such malpractices.
  11. National Youth Day was celebrated on 12 January 2024

Link to Supporting Document for 2023-24

Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and Responsibilities of citizens
If one is to become a good citizen of the country, one must always anchor to values like truth, respect for elders, unity, peace etc.  Also one must be aware of what are the duties and responsibilities of a citizen and rights of a citizen.
Keeping this in view Savitribai Phule Pune University has recently introduced a course “Introduction to constitution” in the third semester syllabus of MBA. This helps in providing the needed inputs. Also the University has included 1 credit course on Human rights each in the first and second semester.
Apart from these compulsory inputs, institute takes up activities from time to time that help create sensitization. Following activities were conducted during 2021-2022
  1. Vigilance awareness week was celebrated between 26th October to 1st November 2021. For this total 38 staff and students took pledge offline as well as online.
  2. Constitution Day was celebrated on 26th November 2021.
  3. International Human Rights Day was celebrated on 10th December 2021. Documentary on ‘Significance of Human Rights’ was shown.
  4. Celebration of National Voters Day was held on 25th January 2022. Competitions like slogan making, essay writing and poster/drawing were held
  5. A session on Universal Human Values in the Induction programme by Dr. Mohan Rao was conducted on 6th January  2022 ( online)

7.1.9 Supporting Document